Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pop: Veronica Orozco

Most Latin American tv shows nowadays are based on an American or European concept - Big Brother, Star Academy, Survivor, etc. But with ABC's new tv series Ugly Betty, things went the other way round: a succesful Colombian telenovela called Betty La Fea was rewritten for the American audience. And it's got viewers hooked: an average of 14.8 million people watch the weekly show.

So last week, I happened to bump into this song called "Las Bragas". Turns out singer Veronica Orozco is the sister of the original Betty la Fea, Ana María Orozco. It's a small world...
Despite the distinctively Argentinian sound of the track (thanks to the beautiful accordeon), she's a 100% Colombian actrice/model debuting as a singer. And not doing a bad job at all... the track sounds dark enough to appeal to a hipster crowd of loungees, but poppy enough to be on the radio. And most of all: sensual, and purely feminine. Softly ripping her way through male souls, Veronica sings about doing whatever she pleases, with anybody... even your sister. ("Yo le quito las bragas" is loosely translated as "I take off her underpants").

There are a few things I don't like about this song though. First, there's no decent chorus, or any song structure at all. And second - maybe being slutty and provocative sells, but she's pushing it a bit too much no? Anyway, forget all the side stuff, pretend you don't understand Spanish (maybe you don't even have to pretend ;)) and enjoy a beautiful and quiet electro-tango pop song.

Veronica Orozco - Las Bragas mp3 video lyrics


Anonymous said...

tiene razón que la música mejor que la letra, pero bueno... ¿que podemos hacer?
y para gastar tiempo de la vida, betty la fea era mucho mejor que la fea más bella y la desgracia que es ugly betty al lado acá. mi opinión, nada más.
me parece que siempre los originales sean mejor que los siguientes, ¿no?
de nuevo gracias desde chicago, illinois eeuu por su blog/bitacora

Anonymous said...

Primero: gracias por este blog... me gusta mucho!!...

Con respecto a veronica, el un angel caido, de esos que esconden sus alas debajo de las bragas...

Es divina... su cancion... simplemente pegajosa... y ella una delicia... o si no veanla en la pelicula colombiana "Soñar no cuesta nada"...

Saludos desde colombia

Anonymous said...

Ella es muy sexy en el video y me gusta la musica tambien. La cancion tiene algo diferente que llama la atencion. En el video sus piernas llama mucha atencion!